Théâtre La Chapelle

3700 rue Saint-Dominique
Montréal Qc, Canada H2X 2X7

Running from 

Jan 20 - Feb 1, 2025


(or six ways to disappear)

A sinkhole cracks open below an apartment building, and a beloved community member goes missing. Through the interwoven stories of an intergenerational community Sinkhole (or six ways to disappear) explores the human subconscious, the fear of disappearing and the strength of a working-class community. 

Pendant une vague de chaleur, un gouffre s’ouvre sous l’appartement de Benita, entraînant la disparition d’un membre bien-aimé de la communauté. Sinkhole (or six ways to disappear) explore le subconscient humain, la peur de disparaître et la force d’une communauté ouvrière. 

Creative Team

  • Playwright
    Adjani Poirier (she/they) is a queer Black mixed-raced theatre artist who currently lives, works and writes in their hometown of Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal. She is interested in creating work that explores the beauty and the ugly of the human experience, is drawn to stories that reveal the complexity of navigating a world where systemic inequalities oppress, yet love and connection still seep through the cracks, strong and ferce, giving us life. Plays include fight of fancy, hold me close (New Words Festival), Sinkhole (or six ways to disappear), Scares, Frights, Joys & Delights (Geordie Theatre Fest) and Celebrity Dogs (Boca del Lupo’s “Plays2Perform @ Home”).

    Adjani is the Literary/Dramaturgy Associate Artist at Imago Theatre. She is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada where she studied playwriting, and has a BFA from Concordia University in Theatre and Development. Sinkhole was Runner-up for the 2022 Playwrights Guild of Canada RBC Emerging Playwright Award

    Adjani Poirier est une artiste de théâtre queer, noire et métisse qui vit, travaille et écrit actuellement dans sa ville natale de Tiohtiá:ke/Montréal. Elle s’intéresse à la création d’œuvres qui explorent la beauté et la laideur de l’expérience humaine et apprécie particulièrement les histoires qui révèlent à quel point il est complexe de naviguer dans un monde où les inégalités systémiques oppriment, mais où l’amour et le sentiment de connexion s’infiltrent toujours à travers les fissures, avec force et ardeur, nous communiquant la puissance de la vie. Ses pièces comprennent flight of fancy, hold me close (New Words Festival), Sinkhole (or six ways to disappear), Scares, Frights, Joys & Delights (Geordie Theatre Fest) et Celebrity Dogs (Boca del Lupo’s “Plays2Perform @ Home”).

    Adjani est l’artiste littéraire et dramaturgique associée de l’Imago Theatre. Elle est diplômée de l’École nationale de théâtre du Canada, où elle a étudié l’écriture dramatique, et détient un baccalauréat en théâtre et développement de l’Université Concordia. Sinkhole a été finaliste pour l’Emerging Playwright Award 2022 de la Playwrights Guild of Canada RBC. 

  • Director
    Keith is a multifaceted artist and a graduate of the Grant MacEwan Theatre Arts Program in 2007. In 2018 he founded Berlin Musicals to provide performance opportunities to emerging performers, based in Germany. Keith has pivoted his focus to directing & dramaturgy in BFA Performance Creation program at Concordia University. In his short time in Montreal, Keith has worked as a performer, director, dramaturg, EDI facilitator, artistic associate and stage manager at The Segal Centre for the Performing Arts, Imago Theatre, Infnithéâtre and Montreal Arts Interculturels. Selected directing credits include Pushin’ Up Daisies (Edmonton Fringe Festival), Little Shop of Horrors & Songs For A New World (Berlin Musicals), Would Virigina Woolf contemplate Suicide if she were Filipino (Infnithéâtre Pipeline Play Series), LOAM by Bea Roberts (Concordia Theatre Department), Hedwig & The Angry Inch (Mother Tongue Productions). Keith is currently developing a show highlighting the effects of climate change in Canada through the medium of drag called SUSTAINABLE OPULENCE!

    Metteur en scène
    Keith Fernandez est un artiste aux multiples facettes, diplômé du Grant MacEwan Theatre Arts Program en 2007. En 2018, il a fondé Berlin Musicals, en Allemagne, pour offrir des occasions de prestations aux artistes émergents. Keith s’est orienté vers la mise en scène et la dramaturgie en suivant le programme de création de spectacles de l’Université Concordia. Depuis son arrivée à Montréal, il a travaillé comme interprète, metteur en scène, dramaturge, facilitateur EDI, associé artistique et régisseur au Centre Segal des arts de la scène, à Imago Theatre, à Infinithéâtre et à Montréal, arts interculturels. Il a notamment mis en scène Pushin’ Up Daisies (Edmonton Fringe Festival), Little Shop of Horrors & Songs For A New World (Berlin Musicals), Would Virginia Woolf contemplate Suicide if she were Filipino? (Infinithéâtre Pipeline Play Series), LOAM de Bea Roberts (Concordia Theatre Department), Hedwig & The Angry Inch (Mother Tongue Productions). Keith travaille actuellement à l’élaboration d’un spectacle mettant en lumière les effets des changements climatiques au Canada au moyen de la drague, intitulé SUSTAINABLE OPULENCE!